1/ context_mass identity

We often refer to Croatia as it could be. This proposal for the new national flag by designer Boris Ljubicic is a hint for a more contemporary society, free of any heraldics.

Croatia is not recognized as a land of culture and heritage, but of sportsmen. Even in the most remote parts of the world the name of Davor Suker is still the only thing associated with the country. The stars of today are Srna and Olic, tomorrow eventually some architects... Or maybe a day after tomorrow?

Dinamo Zagreb is our team. Apart from the fact that the office is 5 min walk from the stadium and that we designed the latest proposal for a new building, Dinamo remains a symbol of resistance to the communist regime and a crucial part of the Zagreb „purger“ identity.

© 2010 njiric+arhitekti. All rights reserved. Design Ira Payer / Hrvoje Brekalo. Web development by web development by Auris